The Human Collection Definitions


I AM HUMANWe are imperfect and that is what makes us beautiful. We are all on the path of self discovery and life. This is our journey. Although we may stumble, we will not give in.

I AM ENOUGH Accepting and loving yourself is one of the hardest things to do. Although it's not easy and doubt is around every corner we turn. It's important to remember, our identity is not our doubt. We are good enough.


I AM AFRAIDBeing vulnerable is scary in a world full of rejection. Admitting that you are afraid is both vulnerable and brave. Rise above that fear, speak up, and embrace the human connection.


I AM LISTENINGHearing others allows them to be seen. We all tend to be so quick to respond but are we truly listening? Are we truly processing? Let's listen more than we speak. Let's be mindful and inclusive of others voices before responding. Listen with your heart.




I AM UNBROKENA reminder to those who have committed and also survived suicide. Life is hard. Those who have passed, we miss you. Those who have survived. We horror your dedication to continue to live. You did not allow those roaring waves to break you but you continued to ride them on. Unbroken.


I AM NOETIC - This sticker is a tribute to those who have survived emotional and mental abuse. It's also a reminder that we are all brilliant, intelligent, and beautiful. We are not what our abusers think us to be. Our identity is not our trauma. We are not alone. We are noetic and we will thrive.


I AM INVICTUS - This is a dedication to those who have survived physical abuse and those who are still suffering. We raise our sails towards new beginnings. We are not broken by those who sought to conquer us. We chose to thrive by your own hands, strength, and determination to make your own destiny. We are afraid but do not succumb to fear. We will not break under the influence of hate. For we are the masters of our fate and we are the captains of our soul.


I AM TANGIBLE - This sticker represents the struggle of healing and how hard it is to navigate the complexity of trauma due to being sexually abused. The thorns represent the painful boundaries that hurt us and others when we have been violated in such a way. The broken mirror is representative of the broken identity that comes with all that suffering. The shadows of hands reaching out that are faded are representative of those who try to help but show the disconnection between reality and those around. In the mirror, you will see that there is a lipstick kiss crossed out. This is representative of the voices unheard who stay silent. Even though the light might seem dim, we can find healing within the connection we find with others. It may take time to heal however we can find ourselves again. I AM TANGIBLE means to be perceived with touch. We can be touched again. Our identity will not remain shattered. We are tangible and deserve love.


I AM ENCOMPASSING - This sticker represents all that we have been through and all that we are. We strive to find our way back home and back to the light. As we pick up the pieces of ourselves along the way, we find strength in those we keep close to our hearts. We all will fly to higher skies along with those who have also too fought to be here with us. Forever above those roaring waves where we will no longer drown. We are Human. We are Enough. We are Afraid. We are Listening. We are Unbroken. We are Noetic. We are Invictus. We are Tangible. We are Encompassing!